Content Marketing Will Undergo Transformations in 2020

Content Marketing

Consumers will become more serious about privacy concerns in 2020 and beyond. Companies need to gear up to receive ongoing questions from their consumers around data privacy. The latest report from McAfee’s global survey revealed that 43% of consumers feel they lack control over their personal information and 33% are unsure they can control how companies collect that information.

In 2020 enterprises need to focus more on visual content such as infographics, videos, dynamic imagery, animation, graphics, and short-form written content. Content Marketing Institute’s B2B report reveals that 90% of the most successful content marketers put their audience’s information needs first over their promotional message.

After introducing the Mobile-First Index, Google predominantly uses the mobile version of a page for indexing and ranking. Content needs to be optimized for mobile to garner top rankings and page views. At the same time, with an increase in connected devices and smart services, there will be an increase in voice search.


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